End-To-End Data Protection

Our solutions protect data throughout its entire lifecycle.

We provide end-to-end data protection and governance solutions for confidential & secure AI analytics, enabling B2B collaborations and compliance with data protection regulations.


Secure governance of enterprise data

Encryption throughout the data lifecycle


with Confidential Computing and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies.



with route-control, enforceable trust and Quantum-safe key exchange.


with automated data governance and secure storage infrastructure.


The Platform

Confidential Cloud

Run applications and process data in a hardware-protected environment – in the Cloud or on-prem.
Get a verifiable proof that both application and data are protected from external attacks and the execution is compliant with EU regulations. CanaryBit is incorporated in Sweden, operates under European regulations, and is controlled by exclusively European ownership.

At the forefront of the Cybersecurity community

Stronger Together

 Transferring knowledge from Academia to Industry

Bridging the gaps

* Some of the projects collaborators


CanaryBit was included in the TOP-100 list 2023 compiled by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

News & Media

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Strengthening relationships at NCC-IT and Cybertech Europe 2024

Strengthening relationships at NCC-IT and Cybertech Europe 2024

On October 8, we are excited to be in Turin (Italy) at the Italian National Cybersecurity Agency’s (ACN) NCC-IT event to present CanaryBit, establish new contacts, synergies and partnerships, while interconnecting and exchanging experiences at European level. The next...

The Golden Age of Data Owners

The Golden Age of Data Owners

The Promise of AI Throughout the past months, generative AI has taken by storm the minds of decision makers and practitioners alike. It is finding its way into corporate strategy documents. The AI cornucopia is churning out hundreds upon hundreds of start-ups that...