Cloud end-users are more and more keen to use Confidential Computing Virtual Machines and Confidential Containers ensuring the highest degree of cloud security where no one, including the Cloud Service Provider, can get access to their workloads.
Services like Azure Attestation and Intel Trust Authority are two examples where a Provider of confidential resources is also the Verifier of the environment confidentiality, breaking the core foundations of Confidential Computing Trust Model.
Confidential Cloud Inspector is an independent Remote Attestation service to ensure Confidential Computing environments meet the highest security standards. It validates the Attestation report generated by Trusted Execution Environments and certifies its physical characteristics and configuration settings.

Confidential Cloud Inspector extends the standard attestation services and uses several mechanisms to guarantee the security and conformity of the execution environments deployed either On-premise or on Public Clouds.
Main benefits:
1. Verify platform security based on reliable indicators;
2. Enforce custom policies to align the infrastructure with your hard requirements;
3. Expand Identity Access Management with a new paradigm of trustworthiness;
4. Detect faulty platforms that do not comply with custom requirements.
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